
By monkus

another hot day with an afternoon thunderstorm.. catching up with the chaos back west, the latest shenanigans of the tory psychodrama, quite unbelievable, let's just ignore the democratically elected leader of the scottish parliament blurts the third rate thatcher tribute act, just an attention seeker she continues perching on a tank for her latest photo opp, while the acolytes of idiocy continue to spew bile and nonsense, quarter wits may well be a compliment to that crowd... it really does beggar belief what's going on, what seems to be acceptable, gutter politics at its finest while the government remains missing in acrtion... meanwhile, here, pelosi's visit is all over the news, the expected reaction of sabre rattling from across the strait and live fire military exercises set to begin, pretty much a blockade of the island for the next few days i suppose as xi attempts to bolster support or maybe just distract from the mess that china's economy has found itself in at the moment 

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