Butterfly day

Cabbage white today , extra is a white admiral from yesterday on the black night buddleia that has finally recovered to a third of it's usual size and bloomed.
This has not been a great week. Son came home with cover last Friday and though he had 36 hours of symptoms gave it to dtr who came down with sx 36 hour later and my husband 36 hours after that. Talk about a domino effect. So far I don't have it and if I don't get it it will be due to the small miracle of a 2nd booster given in mid June , way later than everyone else last shots. Son went back to work ( masked for another 5 days) today . Dtr has had a flare of her asthma and is still tired and coughing though improved. Husband much better today though was the only febrile one and is still so exhausted standing up for 10 minutes tires him out.I am seriously angry with both of their PCP offices though. Both of them called with what they had and their requests - E for albuterol as she ran out, G asking for paxlovid- and the first call was never answered, got apologies for the drop on second call. E's office never did get around to calling in her inhaler though they said it would be called in yesterday ( 2 days after she asked for it)  and finally called her back for more info this AM and decided to call in paxlovid for her- then called it to a pharmacy that doesn't have it. Brilliant.Thankfully she is improving because you have to start it by 5 days and guess what ? They missed th boat. His office also did the same thing and called it to a pharmacy that doesn't have it. It's really a good thing neither of them have real high risk medical conditions . It's also good she still had her advair  otherwise she might have been in the ER for an acute attack. I get being busy . I get being understaffed. But it's so long into this pandemic - if you don't know not every pharmacy is going to have the medication you aren't using it enough. If you don't know you have 5 days to start it after symptom onset you aren't using it enough and you aren't reading . If you are having these problems with your calls this often you need to change your system before you cause real harm. My friend's office is just as bad with calls and at least once the delay  probably caused her disabled daughter to end up hospitalized. Medicine in the 21st century. What a mess.

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