
She was feeling really sad at home this morning without Odie there. We've both very much felt her absence. But katie decided she'd go to the cafe and help early instead of staying home. I was working at home but went on site later on. The cafe jobs were done pretty early so I set Katie to on some jobs in the rest of the building.

Mid afternoon, she took herself off to our friends' house for a couple of hours. She didn't stay super long, she decided to go home and practise instead. 

When I got home from work I made emergency "thrown together whatever I have in" tea and she was mighty delighted with the rice concoction I chucked together! I had an evening meeting today. She could have come as it was about an event she's helping with, but she decided to stay home. We are in a slightly awkward phase of her wanting to stay home in the (light) evenings, but then also panicking once it's actually happened....! 

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