Life with a blue crutch…

Well the good news is that 2 nights running I’ve been able to sleep instead of tossing and turning all night. But the bad news is that by morning I’m so stiff and in pain it’s all I can do to swallow 2 strong co-codamol and wait for the pain and stiffness to pass.
So trip to GP called for. This is my first trip right into the heart of town; upstairs in Boots. GP happy with my hip and not unhappy about my weight loss so it’s back to trying to find out what’s going on with the rest of me! So some blood tests in 3 weeks and then a follow up appointment to see her again. On the subject of a crutch or stick she suggests that a stick will be kinder to my arms and shoulders. So I have to weigh up pride or pain… Meanwhile she suggests I discuss the pain and stiffness with the guy from orthopedics that I’m due to see in 10 days time.
From Boots I walked back towards M&S to buy some jeans that won’t slip down to my ankles every time I take a step. Then downstairs to buy some fruit.
By then I was pretty knackered so headed to the bus terminus just in time for a bus up to Trinity Square. I sat next to a stranger but during the 5 minute journey we managed to share details of his knee replacement and my hip replacement!
This pic was taken where I got off the bus.
Now I’m pretty worn out but have plans for tomorrow’s expedition. But will it be with a crutch or a stick?

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