
By Sonset25

Face off - raptor vs corvid

Distracted from breakfast by the mewling call of a sparrowhawk which has resumed residence in the neighbourhood.  I've been hearing the cry for some days but never spotted the bird until this morning two gardens away.  
I watched it for a while though it had its back to me.  A magpie perched nearby which alarmed me as I've previously found evidence of magpie being sparrowhawk meal.  The magpie repeatedly flew directly above the raptor. It looked threatening and would resume perching close to the sparrowhawk. Ths sparrowhawk was unmoved. Then magpie perched so that it was beak to beak.  I've never seen anything like this. 
Magpie moved away as two large crows succeeded in ousting the sparrowhawk from its perch (extra). 
Need to have tripod ready and a remote trigger thingy for clearer shots.  But didn't want to miss the event.

Highlight of my day!

Enjoy your day and stay safe.

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