
By tadpoleview

Don't wait too long!

A walk with friends today took us along the Thames footpath from Lechlade to Buscott Lock. On the journey we passed a boat that looked as if it had been there some time, and this is a photo of the 'bridge' and wondered how long the owner of the hand had been waiting!

Sometimes we rush into things too quickly while on other occasions we wait for the perfect opportunity which never seems to arrive, and if we are not careful we miss out and it's too late.

When Jesus commissioned his disciples just before his ascension into heaven he told them to carry on his work, but to wait until they received power before they started. The good news is that the day of Pentecost has come - we too can know the power of the Holy Spirit working in our lives enabling us to live for Him now!

My prayer is that I will recognise the prompting of the Holy Spirit and act when I should act, wait when I should wait, and have the wisdom to know the difference.

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