River of Flowers

By doffy

Friday: Flowers, Fruit and Bird Bath

Every time I pass this part of the garden I have to stop and look, there’s always something new which I haven’t noticed before - this morning it was the very dainty orange nasturtium which looks like it’s going to climb up the dwarf apple tree with red fruit!
All of the nasturtiums growing this year are from seeds I collected from last years plants, I popped a couple of seeds in each of the pots as I was planting them up back at the beginning of May.
Washing was on the line before breakfast, it rained but not a problem - shower soon ended.
I went to meet Margaret and Eileen for a birthday lunch at the hotel in Menai Bridge, then I drove to the Co-op for some groceries.
Relaxed all afternoon, it’s been a busy week …!
I hope everyone has a relaxing weekend too xxxx xxx xx
Stay safe & healthy & happy everyone :-)
Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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