
By minniemouse1966

Book Supplies

A quiet day in today after yesterday's excitement I decided to do some jobs inside today as I had to wait for a phone call from the doctor about my scan results from June (today was the first available appointment when I rang to ask if the results were back) and also I was expecting two parcels to be delivered. First job of the day was my ironing, then I sorted my phonics planning and resources and had to throw most of the things away as we are starting a new phonics scheme in September and all my resources are no longer appropriate for the scheme never mind I've made a little bit of room in the garage (no doubt it will be filled with something else soon) then my parcel arrived it was books 4 to 7 in the Clifton Chronicles by Jeffery Archer I told you I had finished the first book and really enjoyed it have also completed book 2 (forgot to blip it ) and have justed finished another book so about to start number 3 so I bought the rest from World of Books should keep me going for a while. The last job of the day was cleaning my windows inside before having a shower and a little shut eye on the sofa.

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