and through the wire...

By hesscat


Week-end-yay! We went out for a meal with our visitor party and at last minute decided to join them for the opening performance at the Festival - Macro, and it was free! I was/am working at midnight and wasn't sure if I could get home in time, but we did with 15 mins to spare.

Macro was  sort of mash-up of Australian dance and Scottish music.. ish. It was at Murrayfield with views over Edinburgh, including at this very point, the Tattoo's fireworks at the castle... bonus! The show was pretty impressive, these dancers often doing acrobatics, making towers of people, first 2 people, one on the shoulders of the other, then 3 people, then OMG 4 people, then often leaping from one tower of people to another tower.

I'm glad we risked it and stayed for it. 

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