
By Valerie1940

He’s getting to look old

Merlin will be 14 next weekend and his face is beginning to look old. He’s going pale round the eyes and his nose is very pale - never was black but used to be darker grey. I had the vet check him over and he is fine, so no need to worry - he’s just ageing naturally. Still very  active when we’re out but a total couch potato indoors and sleeps a lot. Getting a bit fussy with food too - sometimes doesn’t eat his dinner - can’t  leave it down or the others would pinch it so I add a bit of something ‘extra’ and he scoffs the lot! So I have started to add a bit of wet food to the kibble as well as the water  - not much just a ‘dogs fork’ full for him and a bit less for everyone else (have to treat them all the same). One 400g tin lasts three days so you can tell they don’t get much - they wont get fat on it! I bought 4 different varieties of Lily’s Kitchen - smells quite nice and is solid - no jelly or gravy just meat and veg - so they wont get bored with the same thing every day.

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