
By Veronica


The mayor asked me to take some photos of tonight's band. Challenging, as they had a light show that involved going from zillions of lumens to zero every few seconds, while also whirling the lights around. So the light would quite often change or disappear between focusing and pressing the shutter. As it happened, I had already decided to get the big girl camera out, for the first time in many months, and even with that it was pretty hit and miss. Also, I wasn't that keen on the band so I left before the end. I ended up with seven photos I thought were usable.

It had been a long evening, starting with aperos at 6:30 with regular visitors Rambal & Sagan. Then dinner for 300 people in the square ... the banda played for so long that we didn't get seated till nearly 9 pm, and the second band were supposed to start playing at 9:30. Obviously that didn't happen -- it was nearer 11 by the time Les Zingueurs got on stage. I was quite tired by then, so that's probably part of the reason I didn't enjoy their aggressive style. Luckily they stopped playing shortly after I headed home at nearly midnight, but I fell asleep nearly instantly anyway.

There's a small album here of the photos I managed to salvage.

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