Sufficient unto the Day……..,

I can vouch for the Edinburgh Gin experience especially the Rhubarb and Ginger flavour. There were no takers as I passed this morning at 9am, too early. Instead there was a compensatory cappuccino for me in M&S which was open for custom.

The extra was the pavement view at the outside of the RSA as two bus loads of young tourists alighted on the Mound and had to make their way past the mess. If this is what can happen 2 weeks before the threatened  strike of street cleaners then I can imagine the carnage which will greet the festival goers if or when it goes ahead.

I did my ankle no favours carrying heavy shopping back home up the Mound this morning. I think I got too self satisfied with my progress yesterday and  overdid it a bit today after the morning outing when I walked to Morningside to visit David & Luca in the afternoon. I decided to hitch a lift on a bus back home- lesson learned.

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