
I bravely tackled the shops again. Penrith this morning to provide entertainment for the ladies in the dress shop there. They were very patient and sweet but probably hadn’t reckoned on the challenge that was to face them when they woke up this morning. As usual, things that looked nice on hangers looked atrocious as soon as I went near them.

I then really did need my head examining because I went back to Keswick. What WAS I thinking? I couldn’t find anywhere to park and ended getting funnelled into the flow and finally found a place down by the lake. I did manage to get the wedding present. Phew. I then realised I was trapped with the roads jammed up and a tailback right up Borrowdale so I gave up the idea of getting out and walked along the lake which was heaving but as soon as I turned off into Cockshot wood I didn’t see a soul all the way up to the top of Castlehead. I’ve never been up there before but have always intended to, having read about its geology (exposed dolerite and forming one of the many drumlins around Keswick and with a stunning view from the top). After admiring the view and snacking on blackcurrants I headed down and home.

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