
By SLPlearning

Weeping Willow

Apart from its association with death and mourning the willow is seen as a symbol of fertility and new life, a willow branch can be planted in the ground and from it, a new tree will grow in its place. Its ability to grow and survive is powerfully symbolic and shows how we can thrive even in challenging conditions.

In Celtic and European folklore the willow tree symbol is a prominent feature particularly in Celtic/Druid beliefs. In fact, this is where the famous phrase “knock on wood” came from — people believed that the willow tree brought good luck, and they would knock on its trunk to bring good fortune. The sound of the wind blowing through a willow tree’s leaves was also said to be elves whispering to one another.

Okay Elfies it’s time to gather and knock on that wood for luck.

See you tomorrow for the first steps.

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