Smile on!

By Silverpritt

At the optometrist's

OO's annual vision check today. This year she's edging more towards near-sightedness... She's still not close to needing glasses, but I already feel really guilty, for I let it happen under my care.

I must admit, as much as I try to limit screen time for her (we don't even subscribe to cable TV at home!), I've let it slip perhaps too far in the past year. Many a times I found myself succumbing to the temptation of letting her watch a video or two, play some games on the iPad while I quickly do some chores or chat with family and friends. We've recently started to enforce stricter time limits, but I think we'll need to step it up some more.

The optometrist wants to keep her under close watch, so we need to return for a follow-up in 6 months. I really hope we can stick with the rules and keep her eyes healthy!

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