Politically Incorrect?
Today, we got an attack of the in-laws, (Outlaws?). Confined to barracks again.
One of us had a Birthday on Thursday, bun-fight tonight, and the other got commissioned to get the extra shekels.
Just across the road there's a Pub under the, unpainted, window-ledge lurks a sign. You can hardly go anywhere in town and be out of sight of one.
The burning, politically incorrect question which springs to mind with this one is ... Was Wordsworth "That way inclined"? And if not why did he spend a year or two in a pub with another fellah?
Actually, chances are it wasn't a pub then.
BTW Can any-one tell me where the photos go if there's too long a gap between upload and Publish? (Like f'rinstance you make a brew and come back)
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