Mema and the Great Grand Kids

Well…most of them. Missing Copper, Marley, Halston and Eleanor.

So this morning started with the return of the two black kittens and their mama. The boys all sat in a row by the back door quietly watching them so as not to scare them away.
Glad they came back.

The boys went home so they could nap in their own house and to give Kailyn and kids a bit of ‘alone’ time when they arrived.
Those three are so grown up now.

Jordan, Logan (and I a little bit) decorated the house for Aunt ‘Mini Mouse’s birthday. Audrey and I popped out for a couple of items.
Then the boys arrived back (and Emily and Devin). Then Christa, Jensen and their three arrived with dinner. It was another beautiful family everywhere dinner.
The big kids did a great job of entertaining the younger ones out the back.
After changing for bed, the two Kile families went home leaving us just with Kailyn and the big kids.
We enjoyed watching Treehouse Masters and Logan enjoyed watching me crochet!
My bed time ‘neighbours’ were those guys tonight. Haha!

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