air activity

Spent the day with cubs at a district even organised to allow all those attending to achieve their air activity badge. First half of the day was up at Scone Airfield and the owners did a great job in re-arranging the planes in the hangers to allow the cubs in to have a good old look around.

The afternoon was spent at Perth Academy doing sports. I was leading one of the teams and +1/3 was in one of the other teams. When our paths crossed I thought I would get a quick snap - which I managed to do - but not without a cub standing next to +1/3 starting to shout very loudly "HEY! THERE'S SOME GUY TAKING PHOTOS! HE'S GOING TO PUT THEM ON YOUTUBE! HEY, NO PHOTOS! NO PHOTOS!" +1/3 did point out to the other cub that I am his father and a cub leader but the CEOP lessons have clearly sunk in.

Knackered after a day in biting wind so by 5pm I was ready to sit down and fall asleep. +1/2 and I watched High Fidelity (not seen it in years, very funny) with a well earned beer and then sleep.

Another change with the new job: no more beavers and cubs for me.

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