Life in a Northern Town

By kagsy

With a little help from my fronds.

I am a total beginner at close-up photography so all tips welcome! One should probably be "take a waterproof mat" as I now have very wet knees and elbows from lying on the lawn to take this. My next door neighbour is also wondering what on earth I was up to.

I adore ferns, we have loads in the garden and they are late unfurling this year. So as it's Sunday, here's a bit of culture in the form of a poem.


The images
That form our world
Appear as time
Our day unfurls

As leaves of ferns
Once tightly curled
Our time expands
To fill our space

With length
And breadth
With depth
And pace

To leave a stalk
Behind the fronds
To the mother place

That heart
From where
All fern buds grow

Not so different
You know
From the lives
Of you and me

Except the fact
Our fronds
Move free

Egal Bohen

We went to visit Becky the greyhound again today - found out she was 2 hours from being put down when she was rescued, after she had raced for her owner 174 times.

I may have drunk a little too much wine last night as I feel somewhat delicate. 3 empty bottles seem to have appeared in the kitchen - surely just 2 of us didn't polish those off?

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