Cumbria Here I Come

By marpaul

Happy Birthday to Bonnie Collie

So today its my 15th birthday, woo hoo! My mum wanted to throw me a party, buy me lots of pressies etc etc but I said nah I just want a nice day at home with you and perhaps a walk somewhere later on. Think she was relieved as I have a sneaking suspicion she hadn't got anything anyway! According to my mum I could be either 73, 90 or 105 in human years, it depends which internet site you look at. Ooh I've just spotted something nice in my treat box, paws crossed I'll get them later :)

When I was a small puppy I lived with a couple in a flat but there wasn't a lot of space there and I was so bouncy and naughty as well as being demanding that they gave me away to a couple on a barge boat. I'm sure they breathed a huge sigh of relief. But alas this was not to last either as I was a bit scared of the boat, ok, truthfully, I was Petrified of the boat, well I was only a puppy, well a big puppy by now. After a short while my new owners decided to send me to a rescue place to be rehomed. It must have been my lucky day as when the lady from the rescue place came to collect me, little did I know that the lady with her was to be my new mum for the rest of my life. I must have been on my best behaviour as she took me home with her to meet Tessa and the cats. I was 9 months old at the time and this was to be my third home so I had my paws crossed that she would keep me. I think she thought that she'd bitten off more than she could chew for the first few days as it took a while for me to get into the new routine but I was so happy there and I had Tessa to run around with and play. On top of that she took us on some fantastic walks and I was getting 3 walks a day, how cool was that.

My mum says she's had so much fun with me over the years and I've made her laugh lots with my antics. She wasn't laughing when I chased a horse though and unseated the rider. I got told off for that. Well the horse did just appear from around the corner! That's my excuse anyway. Those were the days when I used to love rolling in smelly stuff like fox poo, my poor mum really had her work cut out in trying to make me smell nice again. I used to lead Tessa astray too and get her to roll in smelly stuff, hee hee. I love balls and sticks, well I am a collie. She's always telling me that humans were put on this earth to play with me, this is sooo true! Even now I'm a little old lady I still expect a little playtime and woe betide my mum if she forgets. Ok so my eyesight and hearing has faded quite a bit as you'd expect and I'm on medication for my back legs but I still enjoy going for walks as long as its mainly on the flat and if there's water around, that's even better. I don't swim anymore, never was really that keen on it, but I like to stand in the water and watch my mum try and find a little twig to give me. I like the fact that she runs around after me for a change, hee hee. She says I'm a little treasure which is sooo true.

She's telling me to stop waffling .... so here I am, one photo for every year of my life until today. Hope you like today's blip of me with the ball in my mouth. Mum's been trying to get one like this for a while but I keep dropping it, hee hee. Anyhow she says it suits me, hmm don't know whether to take that as an insult or compliment. I asked her very nicely to include one of my dearest best friend Tessa as well as if it hadn't been for her then I would have ended up at the rescue place.

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