Faireachdainn de choimhearsnachd *

I spent an enjoyable hour or so picking up pine cones from the community garden with fellow Inner Wheel members. The pine counts were then dropped off at the local community larder for others to pick up and use for crafts etc. 

This afternoon saw a u3a committee meeting in which we planned our general meeting and whole group activities for the following year. 

In between times I visited the bank (again - four times in as many weeks) to deposit money for the Community Bonfire. 

It's now just over three years since I retired and moved to Pitlochry - although the first couple of years were disrupted by Covid,  I do feel settled and at home here.  I also find myself wondering how I found the time to do anything when I working - I certainly have no trouble filling my days. 

Leig mi mo dhreuch dhìom o chionn trì bliadhna

* sense of community

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