Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Possibly …

The saddest memorial I’ve ever seen and read up about . This is the shot at dawn memorial.
To have ‘shell shock ‘ ( now known as PTSD ) and then to be tried and shot for it seems utterly horrific …


There is a page about it if you want to read more.
Each wooden post represents one of the men , often underage who were shot , I was properly distressed at this particular section , it’s an area of the National arboretum that I’d not covered in my last two visits , the place is enormous. I took Keith and Eileen with me as they are house and dog sitting for Po whist she is galavanting in Mexico !!!

Update : Meredith cat is behaving as if she’s lived with Emma forever and has settled on the window sill as her spot to spy on the neighbours- cats are FICKLE !!!!

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