Glimpses of Me

By mimi128


Its Sunday today...

Me and Mr M have heard our Sunday mass yesterday (Vigil Mass) as he is going to be working a long day at work today. So no church for me today.. Still I've got a lot to be thankful for and I feel blessed..

Thankful and blessed for finding Blipfoto, for "meeting" and knowing people such as you all: warm, welcoming, appreciative, generous and patient.. Thank you all for stopping by for a visit, for the wonderful comments you leave behind and especially for letting me be a part of your lives as well. Who would have known that I'll be meeting and getting to know such people just by having a camera and taking photos.. For that I am truly blessed..

So this day is for you all.. A MASSIVE THANK YOU!!!

Right, on a much lighter scale, I've made some more candles today.. Will be baking cookies in a while and if I'm still feeling the buzz, I might even do my ironing! If not, then it's soap opera or movies-on-telly marathon for me.. Haha! No worries, I'll still be making dinner for me and Mr M. I'll just hide the laundry basket so he won't know I haven't ironed yet!

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