Quod oculus meus videt

By GrahamColling

Threshing Away

The fields adjacent to the stables were being harvested today.  Watching them at work is an education, particularly as you realise that the driving must all be down to computer.  Here the harvester is cutting a strip of crop exactly the width of the cutters and threshers.  They had already harvested on either side.  I can only assume that the dimensions of the field are fed into a computer to calculate the most efficient route for the machine and then it is set off to operate on autopilot.  Still we do have someone in the cab to monitor the operation, just in case something goes wrong.

We were out yesterday so didn't watch the closing ceremony of the Commonwealth Games until this evening.  I've always been proud to be a Brummie, but the last eleven days have made me even prouder.  Let's hope the legacy is fulfilled.

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