
Featured photo is the mug of hot cocoa made from part of our harvested and processed cacao on top of the oven in our kitchen which is just used once or twice a year. Gramps, my father is the only one who knows how to use it. He bakes his classic banana bread for Gramma and T whenever he is not busy with his cycling, wood crafts and when there are bananas which are over ripe from the market (a rare commodity).
Sabroso, the title is a  Spanish word which means "tasty" or delicious. Googled it last year after being curious of a label: Sabroso de Cacao (from Camiguin).
Yesterday, T did a lot of "tasks" and favors for me just because I got him Robux (currency in Roblox). Told B that I used to "bribe" T with sweets for a photograph, now he's no longer that interested and instead wants to do chores in exchange for money. Funniest Thorversation:

P: Aha! So, you're corruptible?
T: Yes!!
P: *laughter* And you're a suck-up?!!
T: Yes, just like that cartoon character ....
P: Oh no. (*Really concerned but it was past "bedtime" so had to let it go temporarily).
Showed Gramma and T, clips from the MMA shoot last night. Apparently, the famous Bicolano youtuber, Boss Ka-Reppa was one of the guests in the event. Not really a fan of him but it was quite awesome to see how tall he is in person. It was also fun to notice that he was "in the moment." Most of the people were shooting with their smart phones but he was just watching the fights.
The real "celebrities" for me however in the MMA thing were my high school classmates (Mik, Cocoy plus Tin) and Coach Eric Labro.
4:36 AM here now. Going "outside" to record an incline walk on Strava. Have a good one!

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