
By DonnaWanna

Miss Tiddles

Miss Tiddles is 12 years old now and she has been with us since she was 8 weeks old. There used to be a pet shop in the local shopping centre and they would always have kittens in one window and puppies in the other.

I saw her in the window there and she was so lovely I couldn't stop looking at her. This went on for two weeks just staring at her through the window whenever I went by. I could hardly believe that no one had bought her ever time I passed. Eventually I couldn't bear the thought of her being there any longer and I went in and paid the $50 and brought her home.

She settled in easily and quickly became the boss of the house. From the word go she was attracted to my underarms, I have no idea why but she would always want to burrow in and do some deep breathing! Sometimes it was just too much and I would have to give her a big push away to break the spell :D

Today, 12 years later she still gives it a try but I'm wise to her tricks these days. However when I'm taking washing off the line she hops up on the table that I use to stack the washing, waits until my back is turned and she starts sniffing and kneading the underarms of my clean T-shirts!

Today was no exception, I was thinking blip and I had my camera at the ready! Initially she was acting like she wouldn't do it, then when I turned away she did it, then saw me looking and started rolling around and acting like she had done nothing!

Then she tried to hook me with her claw and bite my finger through the hole in the washing basket. So I stirred her up a bit more by waggling a sock in the same hole of the basket and just kept taking shots :D

There were too many good shots in the end but I didn't actually get one of her doing her little trick because she was rolling around most of the time and trying to bite me some of the time too! Sweet old Miss Tiddles still has a little bit of kitten in her :))

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