Maid in Cornwall

By curlycarrie


Bella, my mum and I went for a walk up on Rosewall Hill whilst my dad stayed behind and cut my grass for me. Yay! We happened upon some bike trial thing, but as I had no idea where the course was we didn't hang around watching for long as I didn't fancy getting splatted. Plus I had heard a cuckoo and was in hot pursuit (not that I managed to get even a glimpse).
Came home and rustled up a batch of melting moments. My dad is addicted to my home made biscuits and if there aren't any in the house when they come visiting he just sits on the sofa, hollering 'wanna biccit' at random intervals throughout the afternoon. I thought as he had cut the grass for me he had earned a biccit or two. Plus it keeps him quiet which is always a bonus.

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