Harvest time

This morning I went to belly dancing in Ellesmere.  When we had finished I went to The Mere for a walk and to get a blip.  The weather is uncomfortably hot but at least there are plenty of trees so it's possible to stay in the shade.

A pair of swans were mating, something I've never seen before, two photos in Extras. They stay as a couple for life so a bit of pair bonding I imagine.

I had almost got home when I spotted a field being harvested which is always an iconic summer sight.  They've had plenty of sun to ripen the crops this year but the lack of water is a big problem.

I had stopped my car in a layby to take photos.  Unfortunately some inconsiderate person or people had dumped rubbish there, carrier bags of it and individual items scattered all over the grass.  I cannot understand how people will dump it rather than take it home or put it in a bin. 

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