Dear Mop

Mop with the muzzle softer than velvet. Mop, the most sensitive and quiet little soul. Mop the hairiest donkey I've ever met... 

I was tasked to do 1 job. To find Mop a special home. 

I tried... No one wanted a donkey. Let alone one that was 30. Or they did but just couldn't. 

After a few weeks, I'd pretty much given up and was starting to think about approaching her owner with other options. 

Mop was born in Sanday and in her 30 years hadn't ever been anywhere or had a job. She had some handling issues but her sweet character shone through.

Whilst on a course in Dunkeld, I tiredly asked the course host if she would like to rehome a donkey, expecting the standard answer. But... The reply I got was 'I've been looking for a donkey!'. I nearly fell off my seat. I tentatively told of her age. There was no hesitation! 

After keeping Mop at mine for a few weeks, her new Mum came to Orkney yesterday, stayed overnight and then headed back south with Mop this morning. 

She bonded more with her new mum in half an hour than I'd ever have imagined possible in weeks. It was beautiful and my heart was bursting that this was an exceptionally special home for her. 

Her new home will offer her so much and I can't wait to follow their journey together. 

Here's to you, Mop. Thank you to K for the difference you will make to this special donkey. I will see you both again.

In other news... I had a ride out on Beepers which was very relaxed (if you zoom in, you can see the ferry on the horizon which Mop was travelling on), walked Sigyn and then fitted in some trimming of hooves.

Home for some study and then dinner and chill time with Gorgeous

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