Indian Myna (Acridotheres tristis)

She seeks the sunny spots nowadays, it is quite a bit cooler than here! Hehe!

We saw her sitting here, on the glazed in varandah, which also serves as my office where I work with the school fees. She's done this quite a few times since the weather's changed, and today Ronnie jr decided it was time to snap her.

She enjoys the little pebble stones in the plants, this room is her domain for a few hours a day and she messes it up big time!! Hehe!! Tidying up is, of course, not part of her plans, we have to do it for her! ;-)

Charmaine gave Lillian a small laptop computer this morning, in order for her to stay in contact with her adult children on Facebook! What an exciting experience!! We were teaching her how to operate it, what a pleasure! She is really such an intelligent person! Such a pity she didn't have the opportunity to study in her youth! I gave her a digital camera for Christmas a couple years ago, and now she has her own laptop, maybe one of these days she will start blipping!!

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