Another ‘beach’ day

Audrey and Doug were working. Mom and I had a very slow morning. Mom finally came through about 10am but was feeling much better and after breakfast sitting in the sun she was up to going to Capitola with Devin, Emily and the boys.
It was so late before we set off that it was 1 before we got there and the plan was to leave at 3!
I was freezing from having sat in the ac the whole road and was disappointed that it wasn’t hotter. There was just a bit too much wind for me to warm up. Mom and I sat on a bench in the sun and the boys immediately ran straight into the sand. Devin stayed with them and mom, Emily and I walked round some shops. Then we git something to eat and headed to the ice cream parlour for dessert.
The twins were so tired that they were asleep pretty quickly on the drive home but Owen was wide awake the whole time.
Once mom and I got back home we just had a few minutes before Jensen and gang came for dinner. Camden and Ahren enjoyed feeding the cats and patiently waiting for them to come close enough for them to be touched.

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