Messing about
I got yesterday's large camera out again this evening. A wise decision as the show was mostly in very dim light, and the Nikon copes very well with that.
Les Frères Choum is a musical play based on the ideas of constructivism early in the Russian Revolution, and the technique of bruitisme (noise music) -- music based on everyday sounds. If that makes it seem academic, it wasn't -- as you can see. Lots of bangs, clangs, and leaping about, a trumpet-playing robot, plus a circular saw and fireworks. Dialogue consisted of monosyllables and short phrases which for the first few minutes seemed like nonsense, till I realised that finally I had a use for my limited and recently brushed-up Russian ... I understood most of it.
I wouldn't say it was great art, but it was quite entertaining. There's a video here. And the rest of my photos are a click right from here.
It was another steamy scorcher, and 41C is predicted for tomorrow. The daily swim has become a survival strategy. Longing for the predicted thunderstorm on Sunday night.
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