Happy Hols Day 6

One of the best so far . . . relaxing into things and also doing some mundane things, like the laundrette run! We did that after breakfast to set us up for our second week (no laundry service in the hotel!). While the laundry was running, we explored an area around the back of the hotel with lots of cafeterias and restaurants catering more for the apartment holiday makers. All very down to earth and the more attractive for it. We then found a shady back street route into a part of the old town we had not explored before, visiting the church built in 1319 and centred around the Raval barrio. Wondering about lunch, we decided on a whim to hit the sun beaten route away along to The Shack, see yesterday. The Scottish owner really looked after us well, despite accusing me of cheating at Yahtzee! Now a siesta before our last dinner here.

The smiley/bendy beach is actually straight and the longest in Catalunya (2km), right in front of our hotel!

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