A Nation of Squibs

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellow,

I am effing SHATTERED. 

Working on three things at once is burning me out. I kind of knew this when it first came up and I thought I could keep it under control for a few weeks until Corrie gets back.

But no. It's gone from zero to BONKERS in a week. 

Fazlyn did not help. I was in the middle of a meeting when I got an emergency call from her to come down to the garage so she could swipe her car in, "I've forgotten my swipe card! CREP!" she said. 

So obviously I ran because FAZZY and stood in the cold and the rain for 5 minutes. 

She was very very grateful. But then as we were leaving the garage she produced her lost card from her bag. "I AM SO SORRY!" she said, and gave me a hug.

Okay. She's forgiven. A hug from Fazzy goes a long way.

Meanwhile Caro, sensing that I'm tired and grumpy today, gave me leave to go and see Jordan Peele's new movie "Nope" with Jefe and Manda tonight. It was very sweet of her and HAD IT BEEN A GOOD FILM, it would have been just what I needed. But...


However, I need to focus on the positive: Ellie. She is, as always, a ray of sunshine and made me laugh today by telling me about Bluey a children's show which she loves. She particularly enjoyed an episode about Pass The Parcel in which Bluey's dad complains that having a parcel that contains prizes for EVERY child is too soft. And that only ONE child should get the prize and the rest should suck it up.

"We're not raising a nation of squibs," he proclaims. 

"You HAVE to watch Bluey," insisted Ellie. 

I think she's right. I may be tired. I may be grumpy. But I am NO squib.


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