Picturesque Tobermory
Tobermory consists of a lower city and an upper (on the mountain) city. The lower town is in a semicircle around the bay. Here are brightly colored houses, hotels and shops. After having climbed a considerable hill, we descended steeply to arrive at the beginning of the town. We ran errands and drank coffee to go on the quayside while looking out over the sea to the mist patches between the mountains of the islands on the other side. We had to wait a long time for the ferry to the mainland, but that was no problem.
We dried our tent on the way to a fence. It cannot stay wet in the pannier for too long. We sleep in a hotel in Salen despite the antihistamine cream that I got from the pharmacist. The antihistamine tablets I have for hay fever do not help enough. The lady at the pharmacy told me to apply hand sanitiser to the affected area immediately if I was stung. See, now that's an interesting tip.
Tomorrow we are going to see the viaduct of the Hogwarts Express. I have only read one Harry Potter book and did not like the story, but it's interesting to see the viaduct. We once also went to King's Cross to take a picture on PLATFORM 9¾ and to Hogwarts (Alnwick Castle).
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