Friday: St Paul’s Parish

I worked until mid-afternoon, mainly on calls.  I’m not dying in a ditch working full hours.  That will come soon enough - and I don’t have a workload to deal with, as such.  The main purpose of this period is education. So I’m also reading books, such as ‘A Concise History Of Unnamed Next Destination’.

Handovers in my job can be variable, depending on the person you’re taking over from.  I haven’t heard much from my predecessor but, out of the blue, I got a text to say that we might want to bring draw liners……interesting choice of priorities……

K and I went out tonight for a few drinks and then ordered a Chinese takeaway.   

On another note, we’re enjoying reconnecting with the UK. It’s all familiar yet so different than what we’ve experienced over the last years. K has been away for 10 years, and I’ve lived abroad for 23 of the last 33 years so you can feel you like a stranger in your own land. 

On that note, here’s the charming local church. 

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