Lala's Journal

By Lala

The Gatehouse

On a walk to the castle.

A sad day today. I don’t know why, but having spent five hours at my desk with minimal contact with anyone it just overwhelmed me. I went to the EC and ate my salad and tried not to cry. I struggled to hold it together for the rest of the afternoon and then left early. Once home, I put the film on, the first time for over a week, and whilst I did cry all through it, I’ve still been sad all evening, sometimes realising I was crying without having known it. 

On the flip side, I am so proud of Megan. She started her course last week, with 25 other young people. Only 7 remain! It is full on! She had an exam today, failure not an option, off the course if you don’t pass! When she went out to leave, she found she had a puncture, so then she stressed about driving Dad’s car round the M25. She messaged when she arrived and then later another one to say she’d passed the exam. 

And Dog is better today, we did a full walk this morning and played this evening. Phew!

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