Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat

Another scorcher. Me and Eva were out to the stables early as we had booked a lesson with Ella before it got too hot. We were just getting Jack in from the field and she messaged to cancel as one of her horses was colicking. Hope they're ok :0(

Went in the school instead after faffing with his new bit. Worked on cantering 20m circles. She did brilliantly. Got off just before it got really hot. 

Had jobs to do at home today but so hot it's taken me ages to do anything. 

The boys have gone to an open mic night to see about Tobes and Orin having a go in the future with their band 'The Cannibalzs'. They've had a big practice today and written something.

 Me and Eva walked the dogs late. Nell disappeared and came back filthy with half the hedge in her tail. Wonderful!! 

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