
By HeartFreek

New House!

I got some lovely pictures of the Chunky Monkeys in the paddling pool with their very 1st ice lollies in this 34 degree heat but had to document this instead!

So, Daughter Number 1, her fiance Spencer and Matty have been waiting to move since putting their flat on the market at Christmas. DN1 is desperate to be closer to family. They had had a sale and a purchase fall through but decided the only way they were going to be able to afford some where in Est Sussex was to take  a Shared Ownership scheme house. The day after they decided that, some houses became available in Horley on 1st come 1st served basis. DN1 was very quick to get their application in while she was here for a few days. They found out a few weeks later that their application was successful and were asked to pay a £500 reservation fee. They will own 60% of the house and rent the rest. They only way they were going to be able to afford it.

But..... no one was able to help them with what the actual house looked like!!! There was a floor plan and a street plan but no pictures and no show home. Also no sire visit as they were still being built. Imagine the dilema when you want to buy a house but have no idea what you are buying!!

So I stepped in. I spoke to our Taylor Wimpey people. They put us in touch with the Horley Taylor Wimpey people. Spencer then called her.She said it was up to the Shared Ownership people to provide that information but they still wouldn't. But she did say that the 2 plots next door where ready and completed and sold so suggested Spencer popped there and looked over the fence from the parking space of the completed houses. She also said that there was adjacent  woodland so could possibly see the front of the house from the woodland!!!

Spencer wasn't aware of the area as he's from Uxbridge so asked if I would take him (he works from the cabin on Fridays!) so once he finished work at 4pm off we went!!!

It took us a while to find it as there were no road names on the street plan we were given but after about 20 minutes of searching a new development and dodging diggers we found it!

I then realised the back gate was open. Result. Spencer had a sneak peak. He then tried the back door.......

Im not saying anything that would incriminate him but safe to say he facetimed DN1 and they both now have an idea of what their house looks like...... inside and out!!!!! That was a great £100 a minute he spent!!

Happy Mummy, daddy and Matty who gets a garden to play in from October!!!

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