
By Mindseye

My girls

A better day today, caught up on some sleep.

Middle son & his 2 youngest came to stay, this was taken later in the evening after the girls had their baths, we sat outside to cool down a little, waiting for the bats to arrive. .

Earlier son & I tackled the mighty thuja in the back garden! It’s not been trimmed for 2 years, hub & I used to do it between us,but today we decided to use the hedge trimmer’s as it’s such a big job. Just a minor problem, son managed to cut through the cable as he switched it on!! Luckily my neighbour let us borrow theirs, bonus, they are cordless ;-) Horribly hot & sticky work, we were both covered in bits of debris, scratches & itchy!! Took about 90 mins to do it, plus clearing up, green bin full to the brim again, we just finished as daughter arrived, with Emily too.

Next it was the promised Maccy Ds for lunch…. I don’t mind it occasionally, good value for money really! Got £5 off as we preordered via the app, £20 for 5 of us :-)

We pottered around, afternoon turned into evening, girls had tea around 6, fish & rice, too hot for anything heavy. Then it was their bath time, son & I had an even later tea, about 8…. Fillet steak, salad & a few wedges.

We watched Spongebob the movie before bed, girls have a fan to keep them cool, I have my ceiling fan ….poor son was sweating buckets apparently lol

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