A disappointing shot, on a bit of a disappointing day.
It started badly with a (very polite) knock on my bedroom door from a small boy at 3am. I was in fact already out of bed and half way across the room, having been alerted to his arrival by the howling sound of a small boy in a great deal of pain... After five minutes or so I was able to get some sense through the crying - his leg hurt. I confidently diagnosed 'growing pains' (how? it could be anything) and dashed off to get Calpol and his doggie (sleep comforter). After 20 minutes or so the sobs had subsided and he was drifting off. Of course I lay awake beside him for a couple of hours listening to his breathing (and then his snoring - he is his father's son after all) and thinking of all the horrible things it could be that aren't growing pains.
In the proper morning then he was absolutely fine, with almost no recollection of the horrors of the night. I was, of course, shattered. But a day in the garden beckoned so onwards and upwards...
First job of the day was our neighbour coming to plant my plum tree. Now, this was Mr B's present to me and part of the deal was that he would dig the hole for it - not me. So I felt a bit bad having a neighbour do it - but he was very insistent and, true to his word, did have it planted in five minutes. Well, he would have done if I hadn't been incessantly plaguing him with garden related questions.
More digging and planting after he'd gone, and protecting the new tree from rabbit attack. Then Mr B arrived back from icy Scotland.
Lunch and a nap for him followed (he'd got up at 4 am to get to Prestwick) and then the post mortem on the 'dining room' decoration. Turns out I didn't do such a great job. Which after three days solid work on it was a bit crushing. Tomorrow will be the day for going over exactly why the paint shop having two different shades of brown in two pots with the same colour marked on them is my fault. Not tonight. Tonight I tried to salvage a bit of family time with a duck and chips dinner and cookies in front of The Hobbit movie (which Mr B brought back from Scotland).
And here's a shot of next door's wisteria draped over a pink tree that we have loads of but I don't know what it is. It rained on and off today, but though it was a bit chilly, it certainly never got cold enough for the snow they have had south of us.
Anyway. I guess at least one positive is that I'm done with decorating, and can just stick to the garden.
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