
By Jackyt

Moulting lobsters

The one from yesterday hasn't moulted yet but still stashing food.
This one, who is about a year younger, had partially moulted when I arrived this morning. She seemed to be stuck in the tail piece. I watched for an hour but she seemed to make no progress at getting free.
The trouble after moulting is they take in water and increase in size by 25%, so getting stuck in moult is a death sentence, unless it is just a leg or a claw which they readily discard to survive.
I decided to intervene and while making sure her soft body stayed submerged I carefully cut some of the offending shell so that she could pull herself free.
Her mouth parts are the first to harden up and she is already beginning to eat the slightly thinner parts of her old shell, this helps replace the calcium which they loose in their moult.
This lobster is quite pale, they differ a lot in colour and nobody really knows why, we think it might be dietary +/- camouflage

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