
Spent a bit of time in the garden pulling up dried out weeds / wildflowers stems. Cut back dead heads of the feverfew but it will grow on more flowers. Sat for many times. Nice, not too hot to sit for cuppas & lunch.

Decided I would paint Jim's Crocodile, however, will have to wait until it dries before making it more happy with its tail the right way round. Will need to find some acrylic paint colour for its eyes.

Tried to interweave some of the stems of the summer Jasmine rather than trimming them. May make eventually a nice archway over the gate & the back fence, maybe even get thick enough for a bird to hide its nest in, a few years yet I think.

Didn't thunder when said it was going to but maybe later & some rain due too. Definitely hanging late afternoon as if may rain but could be the sea haar returning for the evening.

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