
I was up early so decided to start washing down the greenhouse.  I didn't use the hose and only two buckets of water but the windows look much better and I also gave it a good sweep out.  OH finished painting the front windows and sills which look much fresher now.  Note to self: never buy a house with Georgian windows - they are a pain to paint or clean?  It was a bit hot after I had finished the greenhouse so we had a late breakfast and sat for a bit.  After a shower and a fiddle around on the computer (OH watched football) we had a guilty visit to MIL.  It was hot and she was not happy and totally consumed by her medication and forthcoming visits to doctors.  I do feel for her as prior to Covid she was active, driving and fairly self sufficient but after 6 months not moving much and a much delayed hip operation she is a different person.

Home for OH to cook dinner (under my instruction, I know what I like to eat) I continued to fiddle on the computer looking for our next mini break, and he continued to watch football.  It is still muggy and sticky but hopefully it will rain tonight and clear the air and top up the water butt?

My brother sent me the photo which I have attached?  Can you recognise who it is?  He was in Nice and spotted this chap after a bike ride, waiting in the harbour for a lift back to his boat?  A clue...........?  You're Fired!!

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