Mill Brae - Hoy

We repaired to Hoy.  Two thirds of the David Bowen trio were on the ferry.  We imbibed in some light, humane, banter with them.  The dense haar meant that 4G was a no-no.  As were double negatives.  In the bay below the retreat in Hoy there was a very vocal gathering of red throat divers.  We scraped the porch walls prior to redecoration.  Background low moaning was provided at very regular intervals by the foghorn of the MV Hamnavoe as she came round Hoy into Stromness. 
In 1835 the French historian / philosopher Alexis de Tocqueville contented that distinction between the individual and the collective sat at the heart of the values America and Russia would come to represent.  But he had never had to conjure up a Blip on a, now very rainy, Sunday evening.    
Meantime in deepest, nearly impenetrable, Clackmannanshire…………..

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