Nopo's world

By nopo

Great idea's come at midnight

(and after a few botles of wine)

It's a replicant of last saturday....Phil Collins been appearing again. Thank heaven's it sunday!

Had a blast yesterday in the party. Desided to get PS2 and the singstar at about midnight. What a good idea Nopo! Song lot's of song's of tone like a drunken person should do. Great idea Nopo!

I just had to take a pic from the tulip I carefully planted last fall to my flowerbed. Because for I have a dog who has friend's who have desided that the fastest way to get to China is to dig my flowerbed up. The one tulip that survived atleast had to be photographed. And it does resemble a rose.

I'm of to lay in the sun and drink lot's of Jaffa. (It's a finnish Fanta)
Hope you're all having a great sunday to blip!

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