If This Leaf Could Talk.....

I can't hear it audibly, but by its condition, location and position, this single leaf can tell me something about the weather and where it came from and that our area is in need of rain, but it can't tell me how long it will lie on that brick wall next to the weathered fence or where it will go next because it is what I think of as "transient art" which is always at the mercy of the wind or someone passing by who wants to sit in that very spot and just brushes it off onto the ground to be trampled underfoot on the sidewalk----or get soaked by rain.  I don't expect to see this single leaf again, but it will remain that spot forever in my blip!  Don't know how well it fits the theme of Minimalist, but  it fits my interpretation of that theme.  Thanks to Mole for hosting.....

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