New Wardrobe

Ok so it didn't take long for me to need a panic blip! This is Ally's room complete with Lego all over the floor.

It was a very early start. 5am the alarm went off. Bella and I were breakfasted and stood outside for our lift by 5.45. We got to Port Isaac in good time and Bella's group set off on the Coast to Coast soon after 7.30am.

We may have come home via McDonald's at Hamburger Hill - bacon roll and pancakes with syrup. Not strictly Fat Club but we were up very very early!

Home in time to watch MrRoly drive off with Princess and the boys to drop her off for her Beaver challenge day. Then chaos ensued as we finished off the furniture removals - Ally's old wardrobe into Smallest Boy's room. Smally's drawers in to Bella's room. Bella's broken drawers to the tip.

I decided to slay the laundry beast once and for all. An afternoon/evening of ironing and bedding folding. It's all done. I even started sewing badges onto camp blankets but had to give up and go to bed after Casualty due to that eye shutting thing going on!

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