Smells good

Needles and natter this afternoon and a chance to show a cross stitch item that I made during the first very hot spell, whilst I sat in front of the fan!!! It’s got lavender in it, last year’s crop from the garden.

I have been in a ‘woman on a mission’ mode today. I was tracking down my missing heart drugs that had disappeared off the  NHS app on my phone. I started the process on Friday by phone and continued by visiting the pharmacy this morning, then on to the surgery. A pleasant surprise to see a receptionist that I’ve seen before and who set about enlisting help from other people. By the end of the day I have my drugs, and have the potential to access my notes on my phone when I get logged on !!! The joy of an in person face to face contact, so much more productive.

We haven’t had any rain (sad face), just another steamy hot day, but about 9pm we walked round the block with Amber when it was cooler and picked some brambles. 

We met my hairy cat friend who made a fuss of me. B and Amber met her this morning when they were out, she brought them a dead mouse and left it on the pavement. 

It has been an eventful day, interesting!!!!

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