And the sea is greenish
A strong headwind a long road from the south to the north. 75 Kilometres to cover. No coffee break in the absence of cafes.
We stopped at the Co-op to buy bananas, bread and milk. We also stopped at Barpa Langais, a around 5,000 years old Neolithic chambered cairn on top of the hill. We've read the information at the historic site of the Trinity Tempel.
We cycled along mountains, moors, peat bogs and a large number of Lochs and Lochans. The heather flowers in different shades of purple. The montbretia colours orange.
It was very early when we arrived at the ferry that would take us across the Soud of Harris. In those one and a half hours of waiting we got seriously cold. We would have loved to have had a warm drink, but the two coffee machines on the ferry were both out of order.
Luckily our host made a pitcher of coffee before leaving to help shear his sheep.
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